Dr Ye Rin Lee
PhD in Dance Studies (Completing)
"Screendance Activism, Online Platforms, and Korean Political Performance"
University of Roehampton (UK)
MA in Creative and Culture Entrepreneurship
- Theatre & Performance Pathway
Goldsmiths, University of London (UK)
BA in Dance
- Major: Korean Dance
- Convergence Track: Dance-Korean medicine Track
Kyunghee University (South Korea)
Korean Dance
Gukak (Traditional Arts) National High School
Teaching Experiences
Module Leader & Lecturer / University of East London (Sep 2022 - Now)
- Screendance: Design and Composition
- Hip Hop and the Choreography of Digital Activism
Guest Lecturer / University of Roehampton
- Dance and Embodied Practice (Jan 2023)
- Screendance (Sep-Dec 2021)
Korean Dance Instructor / Korean Cultural Centre, Korean Embassy (Apr 2020 – NOW)
- Traditional Korean Dance Class (May 2023 / Nov 2021 / Apr 2021)
- Lyrical Korean Dance Class (Apr 2022)
Korean Dance Instructor / SOAS, University of London (Nov 2023)
- Lyrical Korean Dance Workshop
Korean Dance Instructor / London King Sejong Institute - Richmond American University London
- Summer Korean Dance Course (Jul-Sep 2022)
Korean Dance Instructor / British Glass Biennale (Aug 2022)
- Traditional Korean Dance Workshop
Academic Activities
Presenter, Taboo Conference, University of Rome TOR VERGATA, Rome, Italy (28-30 Sep 2022)
Co-organiser & Presenter, Screendances For A Diverse World: Social Justice, Equality, And Representation in the Sans Souci Festival of Dance Cinema, Centre for the Arts and Creative Exchange, University of Roehampton, London, UK
(11 May 2022) -
Organiser, Contemporary Performance by Korean Traditional Musicians with Daegeum Player Hyelim Kim, KRUK (Korean PhD student and Researchers in the UK), Online, UK (12 May 2021)
Organiser, New Opportunity in Kpop - KAACHI CASE STUDY with Producer Monica, KRUK (Korean PhD student and Researchers in the UK), Online, UK (13 Mar 2021)
Organiser, Wellbeing Workshop - Ballet Fit, KRUK (Korean PhD student and Researchers in the UK), Online, UK (27 Feb 2020)
Presenter, Immersion, Show me that performance - Tango, KRUK (Korean PhD student and Researchers in the UK), Online, UK (24 Oct 2020)
Presenter, Immersion, Show me that performance - Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake, KRUK (Korean PhD student and Researchers in the UK), Online, UK (22 Aug 2020)
Presenter, International Conference ‘Korea’s Global Position’, Coventry University, Coventry, UK (22 May 2020)
Consultant, Theatre performance '낯섦 [známy]', Middlesex University London, London, UK (18 Sep 2019)
Presenter, Artists Presentation – Screen.dance 2019, Perth, Scotland, UK (06-08 May 2019)
Research Projects
Current Research Interest
What is a Korean performance?
Focusing on Korean performance based on the relationship between performers and audiences
Current Research Interest
Taboo in South Korea,
The Vestiges of the Cold War
Focusing on the Korean political movement “Black Tent” in 2016 -2017 caused by the government’s censorship